Summary: This horror-comedy film follows a town trapped in time by a curse and 3 of its inhabitants face a ghost that makes them question superstition, tradition and love.
Countries: IndiaLanguages: Hindi
Movie Info:
👉 IMDb Rating:- N/A Movie Name: Kakuda Language: Hindi DD5.1 Released Year: 2024 Quality: 480p || 720p || 1080p – WEB-DL Size: 390MB || 670MB/1GB || 1.2GB/2.2GB Format: MKV
: Movie synopsis/PLOT :
This horror-comedy film follows a town trapped in time by a curse and 3 of its inhabitants face a ghost that makes them question superstition, tradition and love.
Kakuda (2024) Hindi WEB-DL 480p x264 [390MB]
Kakuda (2024) Hindi DD5.1 WEB-DL 720p HEVC x265 [670MB]
Kakuda (2024) Hindi DD5.1 WEB-DL 720p x264 [1GB]
Kakuda (2024) Hindi DD5.1 WEB-DL 1080p x264 [2.2GB]